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Campus Life

Bystander Training Bolsters Students, Community at MWCC

At a recent bystander training, over 30 students were educated on how they can make a positive impact on their community by being observant of and compassionate to fellow students. The training is designed to make MWCC’s campuses stronger and safer, said Jason Zelesky. Most problematic behaviors that happen on college campuses involve bystanders, or […]

MWCC Coat Drive Collects Over 100 Articles of Clothing for Students

Mount Wachusett Community College faculty and staff collected over 100 articles of winter clothing for students during a recent on-campus coat drive. “We have a lot of students who struggle with meeting basic needs, which is why we have a food pantry. When winter came in, people around campus were having conversations about how some […]

MWCC Celebrates Small Gestures with Do One Thing Campaign

Small acts of kindness and generosity were celebrated during the Do One Thing (DOT) campaign that recently concluded at Mount Wachusett Community College. “People don’t have to do anything big… this is literally something as simple as holding the door for someone or smiling at someone,” said Director of the Senator Stephen M. Brewer Center […]

MWCC Toy Drive Assists 60 Families

The third annual Holiday Toy Drive and Fair organized by the Parent Support Group at Mount Wachusett Community College distributed presents to more than 60 families this week. The toy drive was hosted by MWCC’s Parent Support Group that collected donations during December from faculty, staff, and students. The gently used or new toys, books, […]

Winterfest raises over $4,000 to benefit the College’s Emergency Student Loan Fund

Mount Wachusett Community College’s student life office raised $4,091 last week to benefit the college’s Emergency Student Loan Fund that helps students buy textbooks, food, bus passes, gas and other small daily expenses. The funds were raised through the two day “Winterfest” which featured gift basket and wreath raffles and a wide variety of hand […]

Legislators Donate to MWCC Food Pantry

The North Central region’s legislative delegation donated $300 to Mount Wachusett Community College’s on-campus food pantry Tuesday ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. “We were talking about the issue of hunger and it was Rep. Higgins out of Leominster who suggested this was something we could do together,” said State Rep. Jon Zlotnik. “This entire delegation […]

MWCC Panelists Discuss First Generation Student Experience

Mount Wachusett Community College students, faculty and staff who were the first among their families to have gone to college shared their experiences at a panel in honor of National First Generation College Students Day at MWCC’s Gardner campus. Seven panelists shared their experiences and give tips to a crowd of current students last week. […]

MWCC Hosting Discussion with Jim Polito

Mount Wachusett Community College will host conservative radio commentator Jim Polito for a discussion on media bias and making a difference in the community on November 15 at the college’s Gardner campus. “As much as I feel you can illuminate the mind of any person at any age, there’s nothing better than being before an […]

MWCC Celebrates First Generation Students; Hosts Panel Discussion

In honor of National First Generation College Students Day, Mount Wachusett Community College will be celebrating first-generation students at its three campuses in activities that will culminate with a panel discussion featuring students, faculty and staff who are the first among their families to have gone to college. “I believe that the opportunities afforded to […]

MWCC Students, Faculty and Staff Discuss White Privilege

White privilege was the topic of discussion at Mount Wachusett Community College’s Tea Time Speaker Series on Monday, Oct. 30th. The discussion centered on whether the gathered students, faculty and staff felt white privilege exists, how privilege influences their lives and what there is to do about privilege. “White privilege is how we present to […]