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Student Stories

MWCC Students Voice Need for Affordable College at Advocacy Day

Mount Wachusett Community College Students and Student Government Members Samantha Stiles and Ashley McHugh went to the Massachusetts State House Monday to advocate for funding increases for public higher education and a debt free higher public education in Massachusetts. As part of the day, Stiles and McHugh were scheduled to learn about advocacy, participate in […]

MWCC Students Receive Diversity Scholastic Competition Awards

Three Mount Wachusett Community College students were recently honored as the winners of the 6th Annual President’s Commitment to Diversity Scholastic Competition, receiving certificates and a free class. The three winners and their entries are Hafsa Asfa (of Fitchburg) – My Blood Type, Linda Maher (of Spencer) – Invisible Disability and Gina Vilayphone (of Westminster) […]

MWCC Volunteers Give Back to Nonprofit

A group of students from Mount Wachusett Community College recently volunteered their time to assist the local organization Voices of Truth (VOT) in a painting project. “I love helping the clubs interact with the community and seeing them learn about the many ways this organization helps people,” said MWCC SliCE team member Tammy Goodgion who […]

MWCC Students Create Valentine’s for Vets

Mount Wachusett Community College students created 135 handmade Valentine’s Day cards that have been distributed to veterans in thanks for their service. “Veteran’s get cards during Christmas, Thanksgiving and of course Veteran’s Day but not during Valentine’s Day and I thought it would be cool to do Valentine’s for Vets,” said MWCC Students Laryssa Truesdale […]

MWCC Announces February Know Before You Go! Transfer Month Events

Mount Wachusett Community College is calling on students to take control of their future and plan their transfer pathway early through a series of Know Before You Go! month transfer events. “If community college students are serious about transferring, they need to speak with their advisor as early as possible. I like students to have […]

MWCC Begins Spring Classes; Launches New Vet Tech Program

Mount Wachusett Community College sprang to life on January 16 as students returned for the first day of the spring semester, including the first group taking Veterinary Technology classes. The first day of classes began Tuesday for both the college’s semester-long courses as well as an accelerated option that allows students to split their semester […]

Officials Thanked for Mentoring MWCC Criminal Justice Student Interns

Mount Wachusett Community College thanked police and other criminal justice community partners from communities including Ashburnham, Athol, Fitchburg, Gardner, Lancaster, Westminster, and Winchendon at a recent recognition luncheon. At the end of every semester, MWCC hosts a recognition luncheon where participating criminal justice students thank their internship hosts for all they have learned and for […]

MWCC Graduates Join the Nursing Profession in Pinning Ceremony

On Monday night, 39 licensed practical nursing graduates from 19 communities were welcomed as nursing colleagues during the traditional nurses pinning ceremony that marks the end of their schooling at Mount Wachusett Community College. “This is a career and a path that is going to make a true difference in our communities,” said MWCC President […]

MWCC Practical Nurses Present Service Learning Projects

Students from the Mount Wachusett Community College Practical Nursing program presented their semester-long Service Learning Projects last week. “I’m very proud of the work you have done and am looking forward to hearing the presentations,” MWCC James Vander Hooven said at the beginning of the presentations made on Thursday, Nov. 30. “You own the information […]

MWCC Students Present Independent Research

Three Mount Wachusett Community College students recently presented their research at Fitchburg State University’s 4th Annual Science Symposium. The symposium was held on October 26 as an opportunity for FSU faculty from multiple science disciplines to present their research in a poster format. This year, Brett Hamel, Michael Troche and Brandt Bodley-Gomes joined the presentations […]