The Coordinator of Disability Support Services will review the professional documentation, and in collaboration with the student, reasonable accommodations will be identified that will support the student’s academic success.
- Reasonable accommodations are outlined in the Accommodation Notification Letter
- Disability Support Services staff email the Accommodation Notification Letter
- Reasonable accommodations are designed on a case-by-case basis
- Accommodations can be reviewed during the semester
Since the accommodation process in college is voluntary, it is the student’s responsibility to remind the professors when they want to utilize testing accommodations.
The student is responsible for requesting accommodations for their registered courses at the start of each semester.
NOTE: The implementation of reasonable accommodations can take up to thirty (30) days, especially if there is the need to request assistive technology, and/or ASL interpreting services.
*Students who are deaf or hard of hearing and may require an ASL interpreter must contact the Coordinator of Disability Support Services prior to starting the college admission process. We do not have ASL interpreters on site.
Examples of Reasonable Accommodations
Implemented in higher education:
- Extended time for testing (50%)
- Low-distraction setting for testing
- Audio recording of lectures
- Preferential choice seating
- Use of assistive technology
- Electronic textbooks
- Service dogs in the classroom (not emotional/therapy animals)
- Emergency evacuation assistance
- ASL interpreting services
At the College Level We Do Not Provide:
- Special Education (IEPs, 504 Plans)
- Modified curriculum
- Specialized equipment
- Transportation
- One-on-one assistance
- Personal attendants or aides
- Professional testing for diagnosis