A lot of questions arise during this time of year. Will I get financial aid? How do I apply? What are my options? The Financial Aid office strives to help students understand how to apply for financial aid and how the financial aid process works. Unfortunately, a lot of students who qualify for financial aid money never get it simply because they don’t apply for aid.
Tip #1 Apply for Financial Aid before May 1st, 2018
Your chances of receiving the full amount of aid you’re eligible for will be higher if you apply by MWCC’s deadline of May 1, 2018. “Always apply for FAFSA even if you don’t think you will qualify,” said Kelly Morrissey, the director of Financial Aid, “You won’t know your eligibility unless you apply, many students do not apply because they don’t think they qualify and that simply is not the case!” Approximately 23.3 percent of students who do not apply for FAFSA actually would actually have qualified for it.
Tip #2 File Your FAFSA Every Year
It is crucial that you renew every year! This is an annual application and does not cover both years here at the college, or four years if you are planning to transfer to a four-year institution after your stay here at Mount Wachusett Community College.
Tip #3 Get Free Financial Aid Help on Campus Every Friday
The Financial Aid Office is hosting “FAFSA Fridays” every week until April 27th, 2018 from 10:30AM–2:30PM.
Students can come in, receive help filing their FAFSA or FAFSA renewal, and ask any other FAFSA-related questions. FAFSA Fridays are located on the Gardner campus right in the Student Business Center. If you can’t make it in person, you can get help by emailing financialaid@mwcc.mass.edu.
Bottom Line: I chose MWCC for many reasons and their smooth financial aid process is one of them. Stay tuned for my next blog on Why I Chose MWCC.
About the Author: Ashley McHugh is a Communications major who will graduate this May. She is a contributing writer for the News Center.