Mount Wachusett Community College’s Director of Financial Aid Kelly Morrissey has been elected to serve a two-year term as a Representative at Large on the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) Board.
“This position represents the interests of financial aid administrators who serve 90 percent of the college students nationwide. It allows me, as a representative of our college, to be the voice for students in shaping financial aid policy at the national level,” said Morrissey, of the new position.
NASFAA is a strong advocate on legislative matters that affect student access and opportunity in the pursuit of a postsecondary education, according to Morrissey who has been involved in other leadership positions within the organization for the last four years. This networking and professional development opportunity will allow the students at Mount Wachusett Community College to benefit from the innovative ways that other institutions deliver financial aid services.
“I will be at the table with other thought leaders from all sectors of higher education, and will be able to both contribute my expertise as a community college professional, and learn from the best practices of my colleagues,” said Morrissey.
As one of six at-large representatives, Morrissey will be collaborating with board members from Lee University, Portland (Oregon) State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and other institutions from all regions of the country.