Mount Wachusett Community College has received a generous $2,000 donation from The Rotary Club of the Greater Gardner Area.
Rotary President-Elect Michael Ellis and Vice-President Elect Carol Chellis were on hand to present the check to MWCC President Dr. James Vander Hooven, and MWCC Foundation Executive Director Carla Zottoli.
“We are thankful for the on-going support of the Gardner Rotary Club,” stated Vander Hooven, “Additionally, the annual auction gives our students the opportunity to participate in a large-production, live broadcast.”
The Annual TV Auction will be broadcast live on Local Cable Access Channel 9 and streaming on www.mwcc.edu/LiveTV on February 28, 2020 from 6 pm to 10 pm and on Saturday, February 29, 2020 from 10 am to 4 pm.