Nine Mount Wachusett Community College students were inaugurated last week into the Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society recognizing high-achieving college and university students with disabilities.
“We all have our own struggles. Having a disability has shown me that it’s not always easy but with perseverance I can overcome any challenge with the help of my friends and the faculty. I want to thank the people who have believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself,” said Amanda Robichaud, the president of MWCC’s chapter of the Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society.
The students inaugurated into the Epsilon Theta chapter of the honor society not only exemplify excellent academics but have worked through additional challenges to achieve their high grades. But this only makes entry into this honor society more satisfying, said Marie Ewing, the vice president of MWCC’s chapter of the honor society.
“Going through life with a disability means I have to struggle just a little bit harder to do things other people do normally. Having that disability and achieving academic excellence means I have done things that are hard for an average person and I have done it with things that can hold me back,” said Ewing. “I am extremely proud of my fellow students and inductees for also achieving this.”
This is the second year that the Epsilon Theta chapter of the honor society has existed at MWCC. The Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society was founded in 2004 at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania to recognize high-achieving college and university students with disabilities. A review of existing national collegiate honor societies revealed a variety that were based on population-specific characteristics such as: gender, ethnicity, age or veteran status, but none related to disability. Delta Alpha Pi sought to fill that void. In addition to recognizing academic achievement, Delta Alpha Pi seeks to lessen and eventually eliminate the stigma and negative stereotyping that have been associated historically with disability.
The students who were initiated into Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society met the following criteria:
- Present with a documented disability and work with one of the staff members of the Disability Services team
- Demonstrate an interest in disability issues
- Completed a minimum of 24 credits
- Earned an overall Grade Point Average of 3.10
The Delta Alpha Pi inductees for 2019 are:
Jordan Lapriore
Chenell Morris
Ayana Brodeur-Edmonds
Marie Ewing (Vice President)
Arthur McDonald (Treasurer)
Jerry Whaland
Angela Giacomozzi
Michael Anderson
Nicole Cicero