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MWCC to Host Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women Public Hearing

MCSW Logo Full ColorMount Wachusett Community College will host the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW) for a public hearing on March 28th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at its Gardner campus with the option for virtual participation. Those interested in attending should register at by Thursday, March 21, 2024.

The MCSW is seeking testimony on issues facing women, children, and families. Public Hearings are an opportunity for women across the Commonwealth to give testimony on issues that matter most to them and their families and which directly inform MCSW’s policy priorities.

Leaders and residents from Worcester, Franklin, and Upper Middlesex counties and all across the Commonwealth are invited to attend, share experiences and learn from each other.

“Our Public Hearings provide a safe and open space for all women in their communities to be heard and to share their lived experience, and the issues that impact their daily lives,” said MCSW Chairwoman Dr. Sarah Glenn-Smith. “The power of testimonies comes from sharing personal stories. Any subject surrounding issues that women face, or obstacles that hinder the ability for all women to experience equity are welcome topics. The hearing is a public meeting and an opportunity to be yourself, to find others like you and to share your story in a way that will positively influence the work that we do on behalf of all women in the Commonwealth. The MCSW works to create change in the lives of women, and your narratives guide our policy and advocacy platform.”

Commissioners serving on the MCSW are appointed by the Governor, Senate President, Speaker of the House and Caucus of Women Legislators. The organization is responsible for studying, reviewing and reporting on the status of women in the Commonwealth, and are charged with advising executive and legislative bodies on the effect of proposed legislation on women. To that end, the Commission conducts regional public hearings across the state to collect testimony and opinions on women’s issues and concerns. The Commission represents and recognizes all women, regardless of their age, race, color, creed, abilities, language, socio-economic status, immigration status, sexual orientation, or gender assigned at birth.