Over the past year, over 33 teams or 25% of the total teams launched this year, have made school their primary cause. It really is no surprise, as almost all Venture Teams are created by students, and school is a huge influence in what they decide to explore. Ventures like Student Action for FHS, which promotes school safety and student activism. Or UNITY, whose goal is to bring greater awareness to their school community about racism. Or how about Project Volleyball Club, a team who’s mission is to create a volleyball club for it’s school to bring the students together.
All these Venture Teams have one common goal, to create a better environment at their school, by either improving the school itself, or improving the student body. It seems to be working as well, as over the past years both schools and their environments have improved greatly.
The past few years have brought great change in the way of school environment. Nowadays more students have become more accepting towards one another, especially for the LGBT communities at school. You will find today that many do not judge based on skin, race, clubs, or sexuality, as seen a lot in the past. There is no such thing as “cliques” anymore, one club does not define you. In many places you will see a baseball player also in the spring musical, or an aspiring artist part of the school’s GSA club. With the help of Ventures like UNITY, students can now focus on becoming an individual, rather then worry about fitting into a stereotype.
There is also great change with schools themselves. Many students and Venture Teams are working on improving both the inside and outside of their schools. Many are raising money to replace the water fountains in their schools with better, more modern ones. Cool the School, a Venture Team from Skyview, raised money to replace the fans in their classrooms. One team at Oakmont Regional High School has made it their mission to create gardens to make their school more beautiful and to bring students together. These teams and their causes are improving and changing the very environment they live in. For them, creating a better place for their peers is the greatest cause, as it helps to create better citizens. These citizens will eventually start to improve the communities around them, and help to create a better world. With Ventures like UNITY and Student Action for FHS, their communities have been changed for the better, for their peers and for themselves.