What degrees and certificates are available?
There are over 70 academic programs offered at MWCC.
When do classes start?
Credit courses start and end based on the MWCC academic calendar. Noncredit courses are offered at varying times throughout the semester.
Who can attend MWCC?
Everyone! Whether you need your high school equivalency, a college degree, training for career enhancement, or courses that make your leisure time more enjoyable, you can find it at MWCC. We even have courses for children.
How do I apply?
You can apply online or print a paper application and mail or deliver to the Office of Admissions on the Gardner campus.
When do I apply?
Most MWCC programs are open admission, which means there is no application deadline. You can begin when it’s convenient for you. For selective admission programs, where only a certain number of eligible students are accepted, there are certain deadlines and some additional requirements.
How much does a class cost?
Credit courses charge tuition and fees. Noncredit courses have special program fees, depending on the course.
Can I afford to attend MWCC?
MWCC is probably your most affordable option, or close to it. Not only do we offer an affordable university-caliber education, you also have the opportunity to transfer to a well-known four-year college/university or directly enter the workforce. We can help you apply for financial aid, which should be done as early as possible. (You are more likely to get a better package the earlier you apply.) We also encourage you to apply for scholarships. We can also set you up on a payment plan.
If you are wondering how much college you can afford, this rule of thumb may be helpful: do not to take out a loan that exceeds your expected future annual income. For example, if you expect to earn $38,000 a year, do not take out a $60,000 college loan (MarksJarvis, 2017). You can find out how much you are likely to earn by looking up your intended career on Career Coach.
Reference: MarksJarvis, G. (2017, September 20). How to build a rich life (Even if you aren’t a financial genius). Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from ChicagoTribune.com
How do I apply for financial assistance to attend college?
The Financial Aid Office can help you file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and also to apply for the many scholarships and grants offered through the MWCC Foundation. For help, contact the Financial Aid Office at 978-630-9169.
Why go to a community college when I can go right to a four-year college?
Visit our Quick Overview page for some details. All-in-all, a community college education is the most affordable way to complete your first two years of college. College credits earned here are transferable and many MWCC programs are designed for students who plan to continue their education. Also, if you meet certain qualifications, you will be guaranteed admission and/or thirty-three percent off tuition at participating Massachusetts public colleges and universities.
Do I need to take any special testing for admission?
MWCC does not require the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) for admission. After being accepted to MWCC, you will be assessed to ensure that you will be placed in courses that match your academic abilities.
Must I choose a program of study before I enroll?
No, you can enroll in the Liberal Arts and Sciences program, General Studies program, or enroll as a non-degree (non-matriculating) student. If, after speaking with an admissions representative, you still need help or advice in choosing a program of study or career path, contact the Advising Center at 978-630-9109.
Does MWCC offer academic support services?
The Learning Success Center at MWCC offers free individualized assistance in academic subjects to all students. You are welcome to visit the office, Monday through Friday, on a drop-in basis for assistance or contact the office at 978-630-9333. Also, the Learning Success Center offers an array of services for students with disabilities including:
- Peer tutoring
- Note-taking services
- Textbook recording services
- Testing accommodations
- Equipment loan of tape recorders, electronic spell checkers, speaking vocabulary masters, dictionaries, thesauruses, and accounting or study skills videotapes.
Is MWCC accessible for students with disabilities?
All MWCC campuses are fully accessible. For more information about accessibility, visit the disability services office webpage or call 978-630-9330.