Statement of Appreciation for Diversity and Civility
Mount Wachusett Community College believes that the diversity of socio-economic, racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual orientation, age and disability backgrounds of members of our College Community enriches our institution and its various constituencies. Because of that, we are committed to a policy of equal education, equal opportunity, non-discrimination, diversity, and affirmative action. It is, therefore, our goal to provide an environment of learning and working for our students, employees, and other members of the College community, that values the diverse backgrounds of all people. We are committed to assuring that the “College Experience” is one that challenges, empowers, supports and prepares its students to live in, work in, and value our increasingly global and diverse world.
To maintain this inclusive environment we will always strive to demonstrate a mutual respect for one another. Recognizing the importance of disagreement and informed debate in a healthy learning and working environment, we must embrace the values of civility, ethical conduct and personal responsibility for such exchanges to flourish in a manner that does not undermine the dignity and worth of every person.
If you believe that any of our college policies regarding these matters are not being honored, you are encouraged to reach out to any of the several offices below to report your concerns. The college seeks to resolve issues that are brought to its attention and will follow established policies to address matters it is aware of.
We thank you for your contributions to building and maintaining a community that values and embraces the principles of diversity and civility so that we may all enjoy fair and equitable treatment in a safe and secure environment.
James L. Vander Hooven
President, MWCC
Office of Human Resources: 978-630-9166 Campus Police: 978-630-9150
Student Services: 978-630-9142 Health Services: 978-630-9136
Student Counseling: 978-630-9568
Sources drawn on: Commonwealth of Massachusetts System-wide Affirmative Action Plan, Edinboro University diversity and civility statement, Florida State University civility statement