Gear Up

GEAR UP Fitchburg Logo


Fitchburg residents who are members of the class of 2024 & 2025 will receive services through GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) throughout this academic year.

Program Goal

The primary goal of GEAR UP is to provide participants with the academic support and preparation necessary to increase their chances of academic success, and post-secondary success. GEAR UP program staff are located at Longsjo, McKay, & Memorial Middle School. GEAR UP will continue to offer services to each of the students enrolled in the classes of 2024-2025 until graduation.

What is GEAR UP?

GEAR UP is a seven-year initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Education, and administered by Mount Wachusett Community College, in partnership with Fitchburg Public Schools. Additionally, GEAR UP has several community partners that contribute time and resources to support grant goals and objectives. This partnership mission is two-fold: to provide cohort students with intensive academic, recreational, and family based interventions; and to provide the public school districts with a sustainable, system-wide infusion of instructional and curricular reforms that lead to improvements in teaching, learning, and curriculum design.

GEAR UP Services

Specific services GEAR UP currently provides include academic counseling, tutoring, homework support, after school academic and social activities, college awareness workshops, financial aid workshops, college/educational trips, and professional development for faculty and staff. The GEAR UP Program part of the Mount Wachusett Community College Division of Access and Transition, which has many programs that focus on K-12 partnerships and student success.

GEAR UP supports the students of Fitchburg through collaboration with existing programs and activities. GEAR UP is funded 50% by the U.S. Department of Education, and federal funds are matched dollar for dollar by state and local community resources.  Total funding for this year from the U.S. Department of Education is $669,600.

If you have a disability and may require accommodations in order to participate fully in program activities, please contact the Division of Access and Transition to discuss your specific needs at 978-630-9248.