Resources & Support

College Catalog & Student Handbook: The purpose of this publication is to provide information about Mount Wachusett Community College to those who study and work at the college, to those who may be interested in applying for admission, and to parents, teachers, counselors, and the general public. This publication is neither a contract nor an offer to make a contract. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, the college reserves the right to make changes at any time with respect to course offerings, degree requirements, services provided, cost of attendance, or any other subject addressed in this publication. The information in this publication is provided solely for the convenience of the reader, and the college expressly disclaims any liability which may otherwise be incurred.

Academic Calendar: Please consult individual syllabi to confirm class meeting and exam schedule. Exceptions to this calendar may exist for cycle and evening courses. The records office makes every attempt to post grades online three days following the close of final exams. Students cannot withdraw after the date specified on the calendar.

Dual Enroll 101: An online guide to all things Early College and Dual Enrollment.

BlackBoard 101: A how-to-video on using the BlackBoard software that you’ll be using during classes.

Course Schedules: The current and future courses schedules are housed on Webconnect.

Learning Success Center: Everything you want to know about learning success can be found on our guide at Visit us at LaChance Library (Gardner campus), Room L201 (Leominster campus), or schedule an appointment online at

MART Bus Schedules: FREE with a student ID

Student Lunch Options: Gardner students must scan a QR code each morning by 9:15 in order to receive a lunch from Gardner; Athol students register with the Athol College/Career Coordinator on Friday of each week for the week following; lunch is always available in the cafeteria for purchase; the campus food pantry can also provide snacks and small meals for students in need.

Career Coach is an online tool where you can connect your career dreams with reality by matching your professional goals with our degrees and certificates. Career Coach is a search tool that allows you to explore hundreds of potential careers at your fingertips by showing you info on wages, employment, and jobs, plus the education needed to get you there. Looking for even more job market info? Check out the Career Coach blog.

Mass Transfer: Students who plan to transfer to a Massachusetts State University or University of Massachusetts campus may be eligible to transfer under MassTransfer.  MassTransfer provides options towards the completion of Associate and Bachelor degrees, clearing the way for student access and student success in Massachusetts’ public higher education system.

Student Financial Services: The Student Financial Services team at Mount Wachusett Community College understands that financing your college education is often the most demanding part of the process. Comprised of both Financial Aid and Student Accounts, Student Financial Services is here to help you navigate the way.


How do the early college and dual enrollment programs work?

  • Once you have been admitted to one of the programs, you become part of a larger community of dually enrolled students at MWCC.
    • Dually enrolled students are typically part of a smaller learning community within their program. Students take most classes together with other dually enrolled students in their first and second semesters, transitioning into classes with the general population in their second year on campus
    • Students can expect to receive homework in each subject area daily
    • Students earn both college and high school credits simultaneously while making progress toward an Associate degree
    • Courses are planned in partnership with each partnering high school’s guidance, and students will select courses with their assigned advisor based on their completion plan and academic goals

What can I expect to achieve by enrolling in Early College or Dual Enrollment?

    • Students are allowed to earn college credits while working toward their high school diploma at the same time

Partner High Schools Guidance Counselors

Partnering high schools each have a primary point of contact for early college and dual enrollment. As a liaison between MWCC and their school, they are familiar with our processes and policies and can provide information and support for students, parents, and instructors. Families and students may contact our office or your guidance office for more information.