Refund Policy
In the case of withdrawal, an official withdrawal form must be completed. Refund Dates and Percentages are listed on the Academic Calendars for each semester.
Credit Courses
Prior to the start of each semester, the MWCC Records Office publishes the academic calendar, which includes the exact dates that define this refund policy. Student financial assistance recipients will have their refunds calculated according to applicable federal regulations for sessions of eight weeks or less (including all summer courses); each class will be considered to be one week for the refund calculation above. Weekend courses, intersession courses, modular courses, distance learning courses (excluding WEB courses), telecourses, cooperative education, and other non-standard length courses have a special refund policy. Please contact the MWCC Records Office for detailed information.
Please note: HUM 290 Travel and Study: International Culture, Philosophy, and Arts is exempt from the above refund policies. All fees are non-refundable after registration unless the course is canceled by the college.
The college refund policy is as follows (this policy is subject to change without notice):
- Application fee is nonrefundable
- Tuition and other fees will be refunded as follows:
- prior to classes starting 100%
- through the first week of classes 100%
- during the second week of classes 50%
- after the second week of classes 0 percent
- if a class is canceled by the college, all tuition and fees will be refunded
- Prior to the start of each semester, the student accounts office will publish and make available the exact dates that define the first through the third week of classes applicable to this refund policy.
- Student financial assistance recipients will have their refunds calculated according to applicable federal regulations for sessions of eight weeks or less (including all summer courses), each class will be considered to be one week for the refund calculation above weekend courses, intersession courses, modular courses, distance learning courses (excluding web courses), telecourses, cooperative education, and other non-standard length courses have a special refund policy. Please contact the records office for further information.
Noncredit Courses
Prior to seven days before first class meeting 100% refund
After first class 0% refund case of withdrawal, an official withdrawal form must be completed.
In the case of withdrawal, an official withdrawal form must be completed. It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course. Non-attendance does not constitute an official withdrawal.
Refund Disbursement
Mount Wachusett Community College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information:
* To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.