Gemini Walter
Human Services
Gemini Walter completed his Associate degree at Mount Wachusett Community College in 2017, but it was a long journey for him that started with an effort just to get his GED. through the Adult Basic Education Transitions program. Gemini had dropped out of school but knew that the only way to move forward with his life was through education.
“I was only going to get my GED. I didn’t have any plans of going to college – I didn’t even know where to start, how to get the GED and transfer to college. I was just trying to get my GED and work for UPS. I didn’t have any real goals,” Gemini said.
The Regional Adult Education Center at MWCC offers free classes in Adult Basic Education, high school equivalency preparation, and English for Speakers of Other Languages. All day and evening classes are free of charge thanks to funding by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Employment Links, and the Robinson Broadhurst Foundation. The ABE program helps people get familiar with school and find success.
“Simple things like getting books and reading a syllabus, those are things I didn’t know anything about. Transitions really changed my life. It helped me go from a GED student to a full-time college student and get a job at the college,” said Gemini.
After getting his GED, Gemini realized there were more opportunities if he continued with his education. At MWCC he flourished, becoming a student leader and finishing with his Associate degree.