Human Services Faculty

Julie Capozzi

Associate Professor, Psychology and Sociology

Julie Capozzi is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Sociology at MWCC. She earned her B.A. from Rhode Island College and her M.Ed. in counseling psychology from Boston University.

At MWCC, Associate Professor Capozzi teaches Counseling Methods I and II, Introduction to Psychology, Psychology of Self, Marriage and the Family, and Introduction to Sociology. She has also developed and teaches two Interdisciplinary Studies courses: Community Service Learning Initiative and Community Service Learning Capstone (for General Studies). Because Julie strongly advocates for service learning in her classes, her Sociology students have participated in “Smile Train” fundraising, making over 50 cleft palate operations possible. Others have been involved in house building for Habitat for Humanity. Julie’s Capstone students develop and teach communication and life-skill building classes at after-school programs in the Gardner area.

Before teaching at MWCC, Julie worked as an adjunct instructor at Northern Essex Community College where she taught Introduction to Psychology, Child Psychology, Introduction to Sociology, and Problems in Early Childhood Education. She continues to teach in their iHealth program as well as in the Elms College B.A. Completion Program in Psychology at MWCC.

Before beginning her college level teaching career, Julie worked as a guidance counselor at Wilmington High School and also at St. Mary’s High School in Lynn. She continues to hold her Massachusetts Guidance Counselor Certification for grades K-12.

Associate Professor Capozzi also worked for Pearson Allyn & Bacon Publishers, and, when online course development began in 2004, developed a model course in Introduction to Psychology for the Pearson, Inc. website. She also was their Project Manager for the University of Florida in developing a curriculum framework for WebCT online psychology courses. Julie has been a test bank editor for Pearson, Inc.

Julie received an MWCC HerStory Award honoring female faculty and has also received the Certificate of Achievement for Service Learning Projects. Julie is the former club advisor for Active Minds, and was instrumental in the establishment of it as a chapter at MWCC. In 2012, she was involved with the Mental Health Conference sponsored by the Shine Initiative, as well as yearly MWCC Wellness Fairs.


Sheila Murphy

Professor of Human Services and Psychology

Sheila Murphy is a Professor of Human Services and Psychology. On campus she is active in service learning and civic engagement projects, teaching web classes, co-advising the Human Services Club, serving on the Behavioral Health and Wellness Committee and serving as the faculty liaison to the college’s counseling team. Sheila is a past Department Chair of the Human Services Department and past advisor to Phi Theta Kappa. She currently teaches Introduction to Psychology and Abnormal Psychology.

Professor Murphy earned her B.A. in psychology from Regis College and her M.A. in counseling psychology from Boston College.  A psychotherapist by training, she worked at Boston City Hospital’s Narcotic Addiction Clinic as a staff psychologist and clinical supervisor. She specialized in addictions, HIV related issues, depression, anxiety disorders, and stress management. When she first came to MWCC she worked as a counselor and as the assistant director of the college’s Connections Program, which served single parents and displaced homemakers. She also taught courses as an adjunct before becoming a full time faculty member.

Sheila has been named to Who’s Who Among Teachers three times, and received a NISOD Award for teaching excellence. Her online Introduction to Psychology course won the first-ever COD Award (Course of Distinction), presented by Mass Colleges Online. She received a Woman of Distinction Award from the Gardner AARP chapter, was named as a most admired MWCC faculty member for Women’s HerStory Month, and in 2011 received one of the college’s inaugural DaVinci Parachute Awards for innovation and creativity.

She is active in her community, volunteering for social service and community based projects. She serves on the Gardner Museum Board of Trustees; is an appointed member of The Gardner Historical Commission; is Vice President of the Friends of the Shakers; and Co-Coordinator of the ABC Quilt Project that brings love and comfort in the form of quilts to babies and children in need.

Candace Shivers

Associate Professor, Sociology and Human Services

Candace Shivers is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Human Services at MWCC where she currently teaches Sociology, Psychology and Human Services courses. She earned her B.A. and B.S. degrees from American International College and her M.A. from Assumption College.

Candace began her academic career as an adjunct faculty member at MWCC’s Leominster Campus and Corporate Training Center. She was appointed a full-time faculty member in 2004.

Prior to teaching at MWCC, Candace worked full-time at Worcester Community Action Council, Inc., as an AmeriCorps Supervisor, GEA Instructor, Employment Counselor, and a Youth Coordinator in the Reconnection Program.

Candace was the Vice-President of Campfire USA Central Board of Directors prior to becoming its Executive Director.

Associate Professor Shivers has served as the faculty advisor for several MWCC clubs and currently serves as the faculty liaison to the Student Government Association.